Okay, so in my last blog entry I had what could be called, 'a bit of a pop' at so called 'Yummy Mummys' today is the turn of the 'Scummy Mummy'.
The Scummy Mummy for me isn't that different to the Yummy Mummy in many ways. They are both self indulgent and have lost their way some how. I think for the sake of this entry we can eliminate those who (like myself) have suffered from any level of PND. And also those who might have succumbed to a little scumminess during those first few heady days of getting ones head around another small, very dependent human needing caring for.
For the purpose of this blog I am talking about sane, capable women who choose, yes it is a choice ladies, to not get dressed or as I have witnessed, to actually do the morning (and in one case the afternoon!) school run in their pyjamas.
I just can't understand why anyone would want to sit around in their night clothes during the day, surrounded by discarded baby stuff, empty cups and no doubt encrusted cereal bowls. Also for the record I don't think Jeremy Kyle is the best influence in motivating the Scummy Mummy, it's a scheduling winner for the TV station!
I'm not judging the Scummy or the Yummy Mummy on her ability to mother her children, on an individual basis both fare well I'm sure, my opinion is about their ability to look after their own well being alongside their children's, whether it be too much or far too little. Don't get me wrong, I don't have total tunnel vision, when I returned to work when my youngest daughter was a meagre few months old I was hardly highly polished even though I was a sales representative and should have been, however I was clean, made up and suited and booted, occasionally there may have been a small amount of positing on my right shoulder and once in my hair, but that hardly makes me Scummy? I should imagine the Yummiest amongst you would disagree.
If you were to put either of these labels on me which you are more than entitled to as I am airing my opinions with you, I would probably say that for the last seven years I have probably leaned towards Scum rather than Yum, however my children are older now, the youngest turns four next month and I have actually started wearing make up on a daily basis, something I never thought I would do again since leaving my sales job five years ago....so maybe just maybe there is room for one more Yummy on the block...
Coming next Mrs 'Knows Best Mummy...'
1 comment:
I don't think I have ever managed to be yummy. Scummy definitely at times and especially when post natal depression laid me low for years. The key is for mums to reach out and support each other and also to admit that it is not easy and we all struggle
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